lumpy spine

by Stephanie Bentivegna
(Woodstock ga)

Hi. I noticed recently that my 4yr old cat has many lumps along her spine. When upset her she seems to flinch on her lower back. One of her sisters also has them, but not the other. I took her to a vet and he basically had no clue what they were, and didn't tell me how to go about finding out.She has an appointment with a new vet in two weeks, but I was wondering what you thought.thank you


It could be fatty tumors which can appear at any spot on a cat. They aren't cancerous. They are usually on older cats or overweight cats, but can also occur with younger ones. Your vet can check for cancer by taking a needle sample and if it is just a fatty tumor he may say to just watch for it changes.

It is good that you are going for a second opinion to double check that these are not fibrosarcomas that are indeed cancerous and would need to be removed. However, it does sound like fatty tumors.

Best of luck to you resolving this issue.

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