my cat is not urinating on his own

by Nandani Pillai
(pune , maharashtra)

hi, it is 15 days past my cat is getting treatment from a vet but no sign of improvement. Suddenly one he was not able to jump on bed and stomach was looking big . I took him to the vet and he said he has eaten lot and give some digestive tonic and tablets and injections. In the night he was not able to walk only and till now he is not walking. Then i took him to another vet who done xray and 2 twice blood test first it shows anemia and then moderata polychromasia, antisocyis,wbc count seen. In x ray kidney and liver size has grown.. But he is eating well and drinking also. I need help .. Pls reply as soon as possible. He is 2 years old.


For a cat that is only two years old, it is unusual to have something like this happen unless he was exposed to a disease very early in his life. Or, could he have ingested a chemical or a poison recently?

The anemia can be a symptom of other diseases. For example: blood loss takes place through the gastrointestinal tract as a result of hookworm or coccidia infestation, tumors, or ulceration. External parasites such as fleas and lice can cause a cat to lose surprising amounts of blood. Your vet can do a stool check to check the internal pests. However, eighty percent of feline anemias are due to inadequate red blood cell production. Trace minerals, iron, vitamins, and essential fatty acids are incorporated into red blood cells, so a lack of some of these building materials will result in a failure to manufacture the red blood cells and the result is anemia.

Also, a number of diseases and toxic agents interfere with the production of red blood cells in the bone marrow. They include Feline Leukemia Virus and Feline Infectious Peritonitis, some cancers, kidney failure with uremia, and various chemicals, poisons and even drugs like chloramphenicol.

I am not a vet but I suspect something to do with the kidneys. Liver problems could be involved because of the stomach distension but because your cat is still eating well it leads me back to kidneys. Please have your vet run the required tests because some kidney disease versions are treatable with early diagnosis with dietary changes, medication regimes and fluid therapies. My page on Feline Kidney Disease outlines what the disease is and how it is managed. Kidney failure leads to a deficiency of erythropoietin, a hormone that stimulates red blood cell production in the bone marrow.

While you and your vet are working to resolve the problems that your cat is having, you may have to “express his bladder” to help him eliminate the urine. Either your vet can show you how to do it or you can see a video on YouTube (there are several). I hope I have given you some options to consider...and I wish you well.

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Jul 24, 2012
Thanks for your reply
by: Anonymous

Yesterday i visited the vet again and he did the x-ray in which again find the liver size has increase. He is saying that as he is eating properly and drinking water also then we should try to make him stand and walk. Because doing biopsy and chemotherapy on him will do nothing and will be like we are pushing him near dead. He has also removed the catheter which was place to remove the urine. I am sending you some report figures through which you can guide what exactly the problem is.
Hameglobin - 5.80
RBC - 2.42O
MCH - 23.80
MCHC - 25.10
Absolute Lymphocytes - 3240
Peripheral Blood Smear Examination
RBC Morphology - Moderate anisocytosis, moderate polychromasia, 15-16nRBCs/100 WBCs seen
WBC Abnormalities - not detected
Platelets - Not detected
Parasites - Not detected

kidney function urea,serum by GLDH urease 188
cretubube,serum by Jaffe w/o deprotenization 1.70

Thank for replying me..Pls go through figure and tell be if you have any idea how to make my cat well again. I really love him a lot.. PLEASE HELP

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