Amanda Mummy to Ollie (RIP) & Stan

by Amanda Shaw
(United Kingdom)

My baby boys, was kept in for 9 month before being let outside. Beautiful boys so proud they was always with me in our garden, it was just them and me. I live 350 mile away from any family and have no close friends near by. That did not matter as long as I had my boys. 6 month later my Ollie got a fat tummy, no other problems or changes at all. I looked on the internet F I P right in my face, a week later my baby was dead despite several visits to the vets. I had never heard of this. Stan his brother and me are now going through the grieving stage. This is the worst ever, seeing him grieve and trying to keep control myself for his sake is very very difficult. Anyone thinking of getting kittens beware this is a terrible incurable disease your kitten is not safe outside until there immune system is strong enough, under 2 years of age KEEP THEM IN
Love you always Ollie from mummy & Stan xx

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