Cat liver cyst

by Marcy

My cat has a very large liver cyst. A biopsy of cyst fluid showed no cancer cells. X-ray and ultrasound only show a large cyst that is causing pain and pressure on other organs. Our kitty looks like she swallowed a football sideways when it is at its worst. The cyst seems to leak, causing her to have a one or two days of pain and hiding under bed. Specialist thinks surgery might work, might not. Risky at best. I would like to find someone who has seen this before and specializes in cat liver problems before making decision. Any help to offer?


I truly wish that I had some knowledge to share on this problem, but I don't. The good news is that cancer cells are not present.

I would advise finding a second cat liver specialist to get a second opinion on the chances for success with surgical removal of the cyst. Plus, there are some liver cysts that are not life-threatening and although the cat has painful episodes periodically, this can be lessened with pain medications during those times.

I wish I could offer some answers that would help you but I haven't run into this before. I hope you are able to find a resolution to help your kitty and also hope for the best outcome for you both.

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