cat using litter box

My cat was sick with a respiratory infection over the holiday's. I was having problems her using her litter box when she pooped. She is around 5yrs old and we have never have this problem. Except if another cat came inside I noticed Jorie my cat would get upset and would poop marking her territory, but this time was different. When we arrived at my daughter's I kepted her in my room and she used the litter box. When we got home she started using her litter box, but then a week home and she is pooping again in different areas of the home. I now have her inside my room only. Thinking that would help, it has not. I notice stringing stuff in her pooped and it was from one of my house plants, so I moved it out of the area. But now she will not even cover up her urine. I have taken the top off the litter box, because I notice she freaks out, like starts to poop and then freaks out and jumps out of the litter box. So I thought if I took the lid off it might help. They have done blood work and I waiting for another test to come back in February. I don't know what to do, and neither does my vet. I am on disability and live in a rural town. So my vet is the vet that works on all farm animals around my area. I was wondering should I start putting diapers on her? I thought about buying her a new litter box, but I don't see how that can help. I got her the biggest one I could find 4yrs ago. I clean it out twice a day, I even lowered her litter in the box thinking that might help, I have tried everything I need help please? She was given to me in the winter of 08 she was found in a snow drift, she could not walk, when we first took her to the vet she told me Jorie had a brain disease because of the way she could not stand straight or walk straight. They put her on medicine and told me if I did not see an improvement within a few weeks this was how she was going to be. Well, Jorie did amazing and it was so awesome to see her get better. Then in 09 I took her to a vet that declawed her front paws and then spayed her, when I went to get her she could not stand and she was drooling so badly they told me a few hours she would be fine. NO, she was not, she would not eat and she smelled so strongly of anesthesia I called the vet and they told me in a week she will be better. It took me 2 months to get Jorie back to normal. She lost so much weight and it cost me so much for the special meds and food to get vitamins in her and nurse her back. Now we have a new vet, but like I said, these are vets that mostly work on farm animals. If you have any advice please help me. I cannot have Jorie pooping anywhere she wants, I rent my home and if the land lady knew, it would not be good. I had to talk her into letting me keep Jorie. Our town has a big cat problem when I can I have spayed a couple of them and they live outside but I cannot afford to do anymore, and no place will help us because their own towns are so over populated with cats. I live in Northeast Missouri. My landlady keeps telling me I need to think about putting Jorie down, I cannot, please help me. I live on a very small income. I will go without eating if it means helping my Jorie. But I don't know how much longer I can afford to do this. So any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you so much,
Crystal Morris


Crystal, I empathize with your plight and I wish I could give you a concrete answer but all I can do is suggest that you do indeed, consider cat diapers.

See the article on cat diapers here:
Cat Diapers

Also take a look at the other article of a few compiled similar questions and answers here:
Cat Inappropriate Elimination Questions Answered

I wish you success in resolving your particular situation with your kitty.

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