Gray mass in corner of eye

by Dana
(Utica, MI USA)

My cat has a hard, gray mass in the tear duct area of her eye & the other eye has one forming too, but its smaller. The vet doesnt know what it is or how to treat. Any suggestions? She is a himilayan cat, so eye drainage is very common.


Sorry for the late response, I was out of town.

I am aware of eye drainage problems with Himalayan cats because some years back I had two of those very intelligent cats.

However, prior to attempting to answer your query, if this were my cat, I would be asking the vet for a referral to a veterinary ophthalmologist who is a specialist in eye problems.

You didn't mention if your cat squints, paws at the eye, or if it shows evidence that the eye is painful. There are numerous eye problems such as nictitating
membrane, cloudy eye, hard or soft eye, bulging or sunken eye...none of which fit the problem you are dealing with.

Keratoconjunctivitis sicca is a disorder of the tear glands that results in insufficient aqueous tear production and the tear film contains less of the aqueous layer and more of the mucus layer. So, it has a thick, stringy, mucoid discharge...but your cat has a hard mass staying in place and not moving, so I would rule that out.

Another possibility is a lacrimal duct blockage which is the tear duct or a blocked nasolacrimal duct which is the duct inside the nose that connects to the tear duct. Tear ducts can be fully or partially blocked. The blockage causes tears to back up within the tear duct system and may cause them to overflow onto the face causing a lump. There is a danger of bacteria causing infection within the blockage. Or...look for a bad tooth. The roots of the teeth can get infected and then cause a lump or abscess near the eye, but it is usually closer to the outer bony part of the cheek.

Because it could be a tumor with the danger of having cancerous cells, I would once again recommend seeking out a veterinary ophthalmologist who has the additional training to know the unusual and rarer issues with the eyes.

I wish I could have been more help. Please let me know how you resolve your himalayan's problem.

Comments for Gray mass in corner of eye

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Mar 22, 2012
Wow, I think you have helped me to diagnose my cats cheek lump
by: Heather.findlay

Wow, I think you have helped me to diagnose my cats cheek lump, he's a white silver chinchilla, he looks like he has a tear duct on he's cheek, we only had him 3 years, as he has a bad heart, bad teeth, and someone just through him out, we are sometimes relunctant not to take him to the vet, and search the net for vigourlous solutions cos of the stress on he's heart, they don't think he will never survive being knocked out, but this has really given me some hope do we can seek advice, thank you so so much.

Feb 23, 2011
Grey mass in corner of eye
by: David Hopper MRCVS

The photograph appears to show a gray benign cystic proliferation which can appear in the corner of the eyes running down the face towards the nose where chronic tear overflow has occurred over a long period of time. It is sometimes seen also in chronic ear diease in the the ear canals of cats. You should consult a veterinary dermatologist for advice on specific diagnosis and treatment through a referral from your own veterinarian

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