I have a kitten that has diarrhea...

by Tina

My freind said to me give my kitten Pepto-Bismel. Can I give this to her?


No, do not give Pepto Bismol to your kitten (or cat). It contains salicylates, the active ingredient in aspirin which is toxic to cats. If you gave the kitten one small dose it may have done little harm but a larger amount can lead to kidney problems etc.

Some kitten diarrhea causes are simple to resolve while others are more difficult. In difficult cases you usually need your veterinarian to get involved but in simple cases you can consider what might have started it.

  • Stressful events can cause tummy upsets like constipation and diarrhea so a newly acquired kitten could be nervous about its new home.

  • Internal parasites like worms can cause diarrhea. Roundworms are very common and usually transmitted to your kitten from her mother. Of course there are other worms and all can cause loss of appetite, diarrhea and vomiting. There are over the counter wormers available without a prescription but you should get a fecal test to determine the particular worm type you are dealing with. See Cat Internal Parasites

  • Milk can cause constipation and diarrhea. Most cats are lactose intolerant and can't digest cow's milk but kittens usually handle it a little better for a few months. There are milk substitutes available like Cat Sip. See Milkaholic Cat

  • Colitis is an inflammation of the intestinal lining and can cause diarrhea. This is usually solved by a low fat, high fiber diet.

There are numerous other things that can cause diarrhea in a kitten such as viral infections, changes in diets and mild food poisoning from eating spoiled food, hairballs, etc. You can get Pet Pectillin Diarrhea Medication and NaturVet Cat Anti-Diarrhea Aid from stores like Petco.com Simply type Diarrhea Treatments into their search box on the upper right side of the page and those will appear.

However, if this diarrhea lasts more than 48 hours or if you see any blood in the stools, then get your kitten to your vet right away.

I hope everything works out okay for you and your kitty.

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Jun 08, 2012
how about this
by: Tina

Kaopetate what would this do, I don't get alot of money i'm on a fixed income so i can't take it to the vet, or spend alot of money. I love this kitten her name is Sassy she is so sweet.

Jun 07, 2012
Thank you
by: Tina

Thank you this has helped me alot, Thank you again.

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